JTME Workshops

Below are descriptions of the various workshops that JTME can hosts for you, your workplace, or organization.

Each workshop is specific to the participants attending.


Social Media Workshop: Protecting our youth in a digital world. The greatest risk facing our youth online is ACCESS. Social media is the new “mall” and is widely used by predators to groom and exploit those who are vulnerable. As a result, education and awareness and teaching our youth and our local community is increasingly helpful in recognizing the unique role our youth can play in preventing and disrupting this crime among their peers.  Traffickers are capitalizing on the lack of awareness around this issue within our youth and the adults not recognizing the key indicators.  All too often, they continue to exploit their victims unchecked because we as a community do not know what to look for.  This workshop is for all community members.  We can include adults and youth in one workshop or we can come to your school and educate our youth directly at a level they understand. Is your child/youth ready for a cell phone?  Now that they have a cell phone what conversation are you going to have with them about internet safety?  What are some of the most dangerous apps and why?  What about internet safety?  How do you limit screen time on their cell phone?  We also talk frank about sexting and the consequences of sharing child pornography.  

Medical Professional Workshop: Is designed specifically for those who are working in the medical field.  We begin with the local EMS department or the patrol officer, they have their boots on the ground and first to see something.  What are they looking for specifically?  As our first responders what do they do next?  We also bring this education to the doctors and nurses and support staff in the local ER and Urgent Care facilities.  What are the key indicators?   As medical professionals who do you call to report something you suspect? Do they need CPS?  An Advocate?  A specialist?  What protocol do you have set up for the next step? 

Law Enforcement Training: Is designed to train boots on the ground patrol officers and correctional officers. You don’t know what you don’t know. What are you actually seeing in that traffic stop? What websites should we be monitoring to locate our most vulnerable? What does sharing child pornography in the schools really look like? What resources are available to help you investigate? How do you utilize Thorn to help with your investigation? Victim identification in sex trafficking cases? Locations? When booking in the jail what indicators to look for? What does slave labor look like? What’s next? How do you build trust with a victim? How do you proceed with an investigation? What victim services are available? How do you interview and advocate for the victim? This is a three hour training.

Hospitality Professionals Workshop: Is created for each area of a boutique hotel/resort. Hotels are one of many venues that traffickers use to exploit their victims. As a result, industry leaders are increasingly recognizing the unique role they can play in preventing and disrupting this crime. Traffickers are capitalizing on the lack of awareness around this issue within the hotel industry. All too often, they continue to exploit their victims unchecked because staff, managers, and executives do not know what to look for. We train each department from the front desk/concierge/security, housekeeping/maintenance and food and beverage staff.  What are the key indicators to look for?  What protocol is in place?  What do you do next? How do you protect your other paying customers?  

Senior Exploitation Workshop: Is designed for social workers working in ADRC and Health and Human Services who have clients that are at risk. How can seniors be exploited?  Isn’t this a young person’s problem?  How can our elders be exploited?  Financial Exploitation is a fast-growing form of abuse of seniors and adults with disabilities.  Situations of financial exploitation commonly involve trusted persons in the life of the vulnerable adult, who do you think would do this?  Adult Protective Services report that the number and complexity of reports involving financial abuse of vulnerable and older adults has grown significantly over the past decade.  Recent research has found that elder financial exploitation is widespread, expensive and even deadly. What are indicators you need to look for?  Who is most vulnerable? 

Who Should I Trust?:  This workshop is designed for parents of young children from the ages of 2-12.  It is no longer, stranger danger that we need to teach our children.  97% of children who are trafficked are brought into it by someone they know.  This workshop is based from the book “Who Should I Trust?” by Jeanne King.  It is an interactive book that the parent/guardian works on with each child.  You are showing the child who they have in their life right now that they can trust.  If they are uncomfortable around a specific adult this book is a guide for the parent to discover if there is an issue.  Each child in a family will have different people in their life, day care provider, teacher, coach, youth group leader, etc. Depending on their age.  This will address each age level and who they have regular contact with.  The author has a second book out called Raising P.E.A.R.L.S. (Prepare, Empower, Armor, Restore, Love and give them Security).  Raising P.E.A.R.L.S. was featured in our July 9 Human Trafficking Community Awareness 1-Day Virtual Summit.  Who Should I Trust is a faith-based workshop.

Transportation Professional Training: We recognize that our truck drivers, train conductors, airplane personnel are literally our boots on the ground eyes. They see so much in their day. We have training available to educate indicators of victims being trafficked that may come across their work day. We can provide our workshops in person or virtually. Do you know what to look for? What chatter do you hear on your CB? Do you see a traveler who does not appear to have control over their ID (documents) or even allowed to answer your questions? What can you do? How do you report something you see? We will provide you with the training to look for red flags, help you set up a protocol for your business.


Contact us if you would like JTME to host a workshop for you.


Wanting to host your workshop from a distance? We offer Zoom workshops! Reach out to learn more about how we can speak to your respective group digitally.